Sunday 9 May 2010

Sleep and the Autistic child

The rate of sleep disturbance and sleep disorders is notably higher in children who have other health or developmental disorders. Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders and Autism have particular difficulties in sensory processing. These can be general or specific to that child. There are ways to assist children affected by these difficulties to improve their sleep pattern and thus improve the whole families sleep.

Patterns and routines are even more important as they cue the child to expect the next consequence or next event. Having a good, simple, regular routine is comforting to a child. Other sensory assistance in getting the child to be calm and ready to sleep can be successfully used in different formats, different intensities and variations to meet the child's sensory needs.

Using "heavy work" concentrates the child's energy and calms. Pushing a weighted basket round an obstacle course can be fun. The basket should be heavy and require effort but not so heavy as to strain the child pushing it. Playing wheelbarrow games where the child is the wheelbarrow may also be helpful. Again, this requires concentration of effort.

Some children benefit from the use of a weighted blanket. There are a variety of manufacturers who produce these. The blanket may be weighted with a variety of fillings. Ideally the weight of the blanket should be about 2.2Kgs heavier than the child. Tucking a child in a weighted blanket offers firm pressure over the body and for some children this is very comforting. It can feel a little like being swaddled, held comfortably without the need for someone to do the holding.

Using white noise in the bedroom can help some children because it blocks other noise and reduces distraction. For some children the same techniques which help children settle to sleep and remain asleep are every bit as effective for children affected by Autism and Autistic spectrum disorders. It simply requires more repetition before the child can relax and settle into the routine.
Every child is different. What works for one child may be less effective for another and it can take a while trying and repeating things to identify the most effective routine and resource for your child.

If you would like help with your child's sleep, Contact