Saturday 26 October 2013

The importance of music.

Throughout the ages mothers have sung to their children to help settle them to sleep.  The lullaby carries not only individual feelings and thoughts but also collective feelings and ideals, is a literary genre which also has a practical side in helping children get to sleep. Research has shown the value of this and commercial companies now offer a rich variety of compilations of music for this purpose. Music can alter our mood, make us feel happier, or sad, energize or calm us. The lullaby when sung by mum or dad offers some interesting comforts and learning experiences.

The pace and volume of the lullaby acts as a reminder of the cadence and tone of the spoken word. Infants learning pre verbal skills benefit from listening to mum and dad talking and singing. Nursery rhythms and lullabies offer a comfortable way to start to understand the world. Often lullabies are accompanied by movement, rocking, being held snuggling in a parents arms and the long "Ssss" remind baby of the noises heard before birth. Lullabies are intimate reflections of the parents experiences. In some cultures they are a vocal history of the family, of the parents experience, relayed in an acceptable form for the child, in much the same way as telling stories.

Dr. John Lind, professor emeritus at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, discovered that children who have parents with rather poor singing voices still grow up to love to sing and are able to sing on key (Fletcher, 1981, p. 26). It is more important that parents sing to their babies than that they sing well. Authorities like Lind and Hardgrove (1978) remind us, “It is not the quality of the voice that matters, it is the connection....It is not the on-key, smooth mechanical perfection that brings joy to infants as well as adults. The joy comes in the rendition, and the example of this intimate parent-to-infant message encourages the child to sing” (p. 10).
Although singing lullabies comes naturally to many people, some may need a few tips on sharing them with infants. Infants’ interest in a world of sound can be enhanced in different ways and through different qualities of tones and pitches, rhythmical movement, and songs.

Suggestions for Singing Lullabies to Infants 

  1. Build a repertoire of favourite lullabies. If possible, memorize them. This is important, as many of today's young parents have no memories of lullabies being sung to them, and are not familiar with the most beautiful lullabies from around the world. There are excellent lullaby books on the market. There is also a wide variety of good lullaby compact discs (CDs) and cassette tapes available. Note: Tapes and CDs should be used only as accompaniment or as an aid when learning new songs. The parent's  voice should always be present.
  2. Some infants prefer one lullaby over another; however, don't limit your singing to only music considered to be lullabies. Try singing contemporary songs and show tunes. Infants enjoy variety and change of pace.
  3. As you securely hold and gently rock an infant, smile warmly and look directly into the infant's face and eyes. This kind of "bonding" brings contentment and security to the infant.
  If you would like help and support to improve your child's sleep contact us;-

Sunday 20 October 2013

Head Banging

Some children go through a phase where they bang their heads off floor, door or walls. This behaviour is associated with sensory issues and can occur for a variety of reasons.

1) Sensitivity to sound. This can be an overreaction to sound of a particular pitch or volume. It may be that no other children are upset by this, but your child is.

2)Sensory overload. In this case the child's sensory system is more challenged by the surrounding stimuli and the child finds it very difficult to focus.

3) Meeting a need for sensory input. Some children need to be closely in touch with their environment head banging can help them to concentrate and reduce the irritation/upset of any other noise or stimulation in their environment.

What does the child get from banging their head?
This may be a way to get rhythm, vibration, deep touch or to be soothed by a back and forward movement.

How can you help your child when they are using this technique? 
If you know your child is sensitive to sound and that they react badly to loud noise or to certain pitches you can prepare them in advance. Limit the exposure to loud noise and where possible reduce the echo within the room. Playing soft music can help, slowing your movements and speech when speaking to them. Using headphones, and offering a "quiet corner" can also be helpful. If possible only do things which produce loud noise when the child is not present.
Since the child is seeking sensory input providing a rocking sensation using a swing or a rocking chair may be soothing. Deep massage or a "bear hug" may help, if you feel the child requires more than a one off "hug" then using tighter clothing, rolling the child in a heavy duvet may also be helpful. Listening to a favorite piece of music or classical music can help as can vibrating toys or a vibrating pillow.

Using calming smells such as Lavender and Vanilla can also help the child to calm.
Despite the apparent violence of a head banging event few children seem to severely damage themselves. If your child head bangs on a regular basis it may be worthwhile seeking a full developmental assessment.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Normal infant sleep patterns

Understanding how infants sleep patterns develop, and what parents should expect from their newborn, are the first steps which should be taken to determine how well an infant sleeps, and getting a realistic view of what is, and is not possible for a little one.

In the first week of life the longest sleep period possible for a healthy newborn is about four hours. By the sixteenth week this has extended to over eight hours. Newborns do not have their own internal circadian rhythms. The production of Melatonin, the hormone which regulates sleep, makes you feel sleepy, and Cortisol the hormone assists in the creation of a natural circadian rhythm and keeps you alert, does not happen until infants are several months old. The initial wake sleep pattern is influenced by hunger, feeding, digestion and becoming hungry again. This happens every two to three hours. Most babies do not develop an internal circadian rhythm before they are twelve weeks old, and some take much longer.

Circadian rhythms help determine human sleep patterns and are directly affected by light and darkness in the environment. Light affects waking, rest, activity, hunger, eating, hormone release and fluctuations in body temperature.

Parents can influence waking and sleep patterns in the following ways;-
  1. Reduce the light, noise, and social interaction at night time. This will create a difference between night and day which will help regulate baby's body clock.
  2. Involve baby in the daily routine of the household so that social cues will help baby acclimatise to a 12 hour day.
  3. Once baby is two months old, healthy and gaining weight, start to slightly delay responding to cries at night. This is not a prolonged thing, waiting two or three minutes by the clock, means waking is not immediately rewarded by feeding.
  4. When baby is four months old and cries, wait a few minutes longer before responding. This avoids baby becoming distressed and allows a short time for baby to decide if they really need you, or if they can resettle without you.
  5. Avoid feeding, cuddling or rocking baby to sleep once they are three or more months old because this leads to baby believing that sleep is impossible without this "help".
  6. Put baby down in a safe sleeping place when they are drowsy, but aware that this is happening. This demonstrates that you recognise they are sleepy, and that you are confident that they will be comfortable and safe in this place.
  7. Unless the sun is shining directly on baby's face do not darken a room for baby's daytime sleep. Naps should be taken in normal ambient daylight with normal household noise in the background.
 If you would like help with your child's sleep contact

Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is the name given to the yellow, greasy scab like skin found on some newborns and infants heads, it can also extend to the eyebrows. The medical term for this condition is “Infantile Seborrhoeic Dermatitis “  This may start as a reddened looking scaly rash which if left untreated becomes a thick yellow coating.

The exact cause of this is not clear but there are links which suggest that this may be an inflammatory response to yeast, and that maternal hormones may play a part in this. Babies affected by this condition should not be exposed to scented soaps and other scented products. A good, mild, unscented baby shampoo and regular brushing with a soft baby brush may be all that is required to clear this condition.

The more severely affected infants can be treated by using an emollient or a mineral oil massaged into the affected areas, left for 30 minutes and shampooed off. Mineral oil is not generally used on infant skin because it is not absorbed. Nut oils should be avoided because this can generate sensitivity, and olive oil would be inappropriate because it can proliferate yeast if it is left for any time on the skin surface. Which ever oil is used it MUST be washed off between treatments.

Using a soft baby brush to remove loosened scales is much better, and much more gentle, than picking them off. Picking can cause damage to the skin and to the hair follicles.
If the scales have an offensive smell then there may be a secondary infection which will require treatment with either topical anti-fungal or anti bacterial therapy.