Thursday 13 August 2009

The Golden Rules

These are the "golden rules" which, if observed, will help ensure a good night's sleep.
  1. Make sure your child's room is quiet and dark.
  2. Keep environmental noise to a minimum, no loud TVs.
  3. If your child still needs a nap, schedule that nap for early afternoon, before 3pm.
  4. Wake your child at a regular time every morning. This will strengthen the circadian rhythm.
  5. Avoid drinks of tea, cola and drinks containing caffeine before bedtime.
  6. Quiet play in the hour before bed is better than stimulating, exciting play.
  7. Keep the room at a comfortable temperature. If the room is too warm sleep may be disturbed.
  8. Use a short pre bed routine that your child will recognise and stick to it.
  9. Make sure that your child does not go to bed hungry, but do not give children over 6 months feeds or drinks through the night.
  10. Help your child to fall asleep without your presence. Use a favourite toy or blanket and put your child to bed while he/she is drowsy but still awake.

You may find you are already doing some of these things, or all of them. If your child is still having difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep contact we can help you to help your child.