Tuesday 11 February 2014

Important points in managing fussy eating

Parents are often concerned about their child's eating habits. Loving and nurturing a child is supposed to be a natural process and parents can feel that there is something wrong with themselves when their child does not meet their expectations around food and feeding themselves. Here are some important points to remember;-
  • Toddlers should be offered a regular meal pattern of three meals and two to three planned snacks per day.
  • Parents should not use one food as a reward for eating another.
  • Avoid pressuring your child to eat/drink by bribing, threatening or force feeding them.
  • The more anxious the parent the more likely the child will have feeding issues.
  • Too much fluid consumption will result in a reduced appetite.
  • Toddlers should be allowed to make a mess and to determine when they have had enough.
  • Constipation, anemia or other medical conditions need to be treated before trying to alter any eating behavior.
  • Parents should give children attention when they are eating, not when they stop eating.
  • Toddlers show clear behavioral signs when they have eaten enough.
If you have regular meal times which are shared with your child limit the length of time you expect your child to remain at the table. 15 to 20 minutes should be enough for your child to have eaten enough to satisfy them. After this time they may be excused and leave the table,

Some children become anxious at meal times and tend to eat very slowly. Small frequent meals will help them to take in the calories and nutrients they need.
Even children who are extremely fussy eaters will grow and develop normally if they are given the foods they accept.

Many children who are extreme food refusers are very sensitive to texture and to touch on hands and mouth so they won't even pick up new foods. Messy play can be helpful in this situation. as it helps the child get used to new textures.

If you would like more information or help on this topic;-
Contact us     info@dream-angus.com