- Spasms of crying lasting up to three hours.
- Occurring up to 3 days every week.
- For Three weeks
Infantile colic is considered to be a self limiting condition which resolves in 90% of children within the first four months. 95% of cases resolve by six months. There are many theories about the cause of colic. The most commonly held beliefs are that colic is caused by;-
- Excessive wind or gas
- Lactose intolerance
- Reflux
- That it is behavioural and a result of inadequate parent infant interaction which may be due to a difficult maternal experience or a temperamental infant.
If you think your child has colic take breaks by using a baby sitter or extended family. Respond quickly to your child's cry as infants take in large amounts of air when left to cry. Sooth your infant, offer a comforter or dummy as a soothing mechanism. Skin to skin contact can also be soothing and reassuring. Some infants benefit from rocking. There are over the counter solutions which work well for some infants.