Tuesday 12 October 2010

Teaching children to make choices.

How many choices do you offer your child or children on a regular basis?
If we teach our children to make good choices while they are young, there is a better chance of them continuing to make good choices as they grow and the choices become more important.

Start when your child is about a year old. Only offer a choice of two things as more is confusing. You don't want to wait for a long time while the child makes this decision so keeping it simple is easier for both of you. "Do you want to put your socks or your vest on first?" Only offer choices that you are happy to live with. Then, if the child wants to do something that you would not like them to do, it is not an option.

Too many parents offer a choice which includes something they hope the child will not choose. Children can read their parents, and will opt for the choice that you find least acceptable, so don't make it part of the process. If your child has made lots of choices in the day and you want something done, you can point out the number of choices they have made, and tell the child that it is now your turn to choose and you want them to ......
This seems much fairer to the child than making all the decisions for them and makes your child feel that they have had some control over their day.

Help your child to have a level of control over their own life so that they can develop a sense of responsibility. If a bad decision is made, then living with the consequenses is part of understanding how things work in the real world, while being in a safe environment.

Parenting can be fun. If you would like to join a parenting class and learn more about helping your child to make choices and take responsibility,
contact Dream-Angus.com