Sunday 7 March 2010

When should sleep training start?

Training your child to sleep should begin as soon as possible. We teach our children to become reliant on us by always holding, rocking, allowing baby to suck and fall asleep when we are present. This builds the idea in the child's mind that falling asleep is difficult without the associated presence and action.

From only 8 weeks babies have a rudimentary rhythm to their sleep/wake cycle. They may not have such a good routine around food but it is developing. The earlier we encourage babies to fall asleep without us the easier it is for baby and parent to become confident about this. Of course if baby is unwell the demand for comfort and cuddles increases. Learning to anticipate baby's needs and recognise wants is an important part of parenting.

Children's needs should always be met, unconditionally. In the real world our desires/wants are not always me and it is easier to teach children this life lesson early. It is also kinder not to allow them to expect that they are always going to be given the things they desire as well as the things they need.
Baby should be put down in a safe sleeping place when he or she is drowsy but aware that this is what is happening. This will build security and independance into sleep time. If you are confident that things are fine baby will be confident too.

If you struggle to establish a routine for your little one, contact Dream-Angus, we can help you to teach your child this valuable lesson.