Wednesday 9 December 2009

Winter colds

It is inevitable that children get coughs and colds in winter time. When they start school for the first time, on their first time in creche or playgroup, they meet all kinds of infections which they may not have met before. These are usually mild illnesses which are of short duration. Many of them are viral and therfore do not respond to antibiotics. For most children keeping them well hydrated, giving plenty of fluids and keeping them warm and comfortable is enough to see them through the worst of this.

It is important that, should they develop a high temperature, this is treated. In small children prolonged febrile illness which is untreated can result in convulsions and this is something to be avoided. Tepid sponging has little benefit, it may give parents something to do, but it is seldom effective in reducing a child's temperature. The careful use of medication will reduce temperatures by 2-3 degrees. If the child is at home reduce the layers of clothing/bedding so that the child remains warm but does not become chilled. If you are concerned you should seek your Doctors advice. Better to be over cautious than lax about this.

Babies often become snuffly and it can be helpful to take smaller children into the bathroom while mum/dad has a shower. The steam will loosen secretions and then by simply tickling baby's nose with a little paper hanky or cotton wool cause baby to sneeze so that the secretions can be wiped away. Cotton buds and other external tools should not be inserted into a child's nostrils. Nostrils and ears are self cleaning. Poking things into noses can make the child move suddenly to remove themselves from the object, and result in the accidental dammage to the nasal septum. (Cartilage which separates the nostrils)

There are a variety of menthol rubs available for use in treating children. These assist in clearing the nasal passages and make breathing easier. Babies naturally breathe through their noses and have to learn to use their mouths to breathe when their nasal passages are blocked. This makes feeding more difficult and the careful use of menthol preparations before a feed may assist in making it easier for baby to take a feed.

Fresh air is important, both for general health and a good nights sleep, but in winter the temperature drops quite dramatically after 3pm. so small children benefit from being at home before then. When taking your child out, you should expect to clothe them in one layer more than you require yourself.

If you are trying to alter your child's sleep pattern and the child is unwell it is better to abandon the plan until they have fully recovered. Ill children require more attention and are more demanding. Once they have recovered they learn more easily and are less likely to react badly to alterations in the behaviour of their parents.