Saturday 3 October 2009

Sleep disordered breathing/apnoea in children.

Sleep Apnoea is a disordered breathing pattern which occurs during sleep.

Our brains have a respiratory centre within them which regularly check the level of oxygen circulating in our bloodstreams and control our rate and depth of breathing to ensure that good blood levels of oxygen are maintained. This is not something we think about, it is a naturally occuring phenomenon.

During sleep our breathing is slowed and can be shallower than during periods of wakefulness. We require less oxygen as we are not generally active at this time. For some children, because of upper airway infection, obesity, bone structure or differences in the internal structure of the nose, mouth and throat breathing may be slightly obstructed during sleep.
The respiratory center notes a drop in oxygen levels and "nudges" the response to breathe deeper until the levels return to acceptable limits.

Some children who experience morning tiredness, snoring, regular headaches, and a variety of other symptoms are actually suffering from sleep disordered breathing. Technically, where breath is held for 10 seconds, this is sleep apnoea. In daytime these children often breathe through their mouths and do not feel rested after sleep. Review by a Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat specialist should be carried out, as removal of enlarged tonsils and adenoids can resolve the breathing issues quite quickly.

If your child has an unusual sleeping position, with their head tilted well back to allow a clearer breathing pathway, has excessive night sweats, sudden awakings related to breathing or does not seem rested after sleep this is a condition that should be considered. If your child has this problem and is treated you may find that their learning also improves along with their sleep.

If you have concerns about your child's sleep pattern, Contact we can help you to help your child to a better sleep.