Monday 27 April 2009

Night Feeds

Newborn babies need regular feeds whether breast or formula. Some will look for feeds 2-3 hourly others will accept a regimen of 4 hourly feeds. In the first few months, waking to feed a baby is an expected part of infant care.
By the time an infant is six months old fewer will physically require a night time feed. Some will perisist through habit and, most mums, don't mind this too much if it is simply a case of feeding the infant and re settling. If this can be done within a few minutes it can almost be accomplished in mum's sleep.
Other infants are more awake. Through habit they have developed a lighter phase of sleep at this time and they may also associate a feed as being the thing that helps them to return to sleep. There may be no real hunger and the breast or bottle may only be a plaything, an opportunity to interact with mum.
At this point it is up to mum to decide whether or not she is happy to continue to have her night's sleep interrupted. There are a variety of ways of stopping this night waking behaviour. As this is a habit, once the infant has slept through the night for a few nights usually the behaviour stops completely.

If you need help to change your infant's sleep pattern contact www.
Working with you to improve your child's sleep.