Monday 19 January 2009

Bedtime Resistance

Bed Time Resistance is, as the title suggests, the behaviour experienced when a child regularly does not accept the parents view that it is time for bed and will attempt to procrastinate. He/she wants another story, another game, to remain downstairs with the rest of the family or to have "just 5 minutes more TV." Does it sound familiar?

Children may do this occasionally and it is in some ways natural. A part of life and parenting that can sometimes amuse and make us laugh a little. Maybe we remember how we felt when we were at that stage. Unfortunately, when it becomes a regular occurrence and the parents are stressed and tired, they start to dread the battle before their child or children settle. This can be fuelled by anger and frustration on the parents part and it escalates into a bedtime conflict, with the danger that serious issues can easily result from this.

If this applies to your family you should consider the following;-
  • Are you consistently following the Good Sleep Hygiene Guidelines?
  • Does your child have a short (20minute) routine before bed?
  • Has your child learned to go to bed drowsy but awake?
  • Does your child see his/her bedroom seen as a safe, quiet place?
  • Is your child afraid of going to bed?

Don't Panic! There are a rich variety of techniques and strategies you could use to achieve bed time acceptance and resolve the bedtime battles.

Contact us at for advice and support.